Where can I find the EDADs non-profit tax certificate?
You can find the tax information by going to this website,
Then enter the following information: Corp. Entity ID: C2352598
What is the EDADs Tax ID number?
The EDADs are a 501c3 corporation and our federal tax ID number is 91-2146222
How can I donate to the EDADs?
You can donate with a credit card by clicking HERE, or you can mail a check to the EDADs at 2627 Vista del Oro, Newport Beach, CA 92660.
Who should I make the check out to?
Checks should be made out to the Eastbluff Foundation, and can be mailed to 2627 Vista del Oro, Newport Beach, CA 92660
What is the mailing address for the EDADs?
The EDADs mailing address is 2627 Vista del Oro, Newport Beach, CA 92660